The Tenth IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets (CCEM) continues the highly successful CCEM conference series which was originally launched in 2012.
Cloud computing has emerged as a dominant and transformational paradigm in information technology over the last few years and is beginning to effect a multitude of industries such as government, finance, telecommunications, education, retail, energy and utilities, and transportation. Research in this field has become very active and spans a number of areas including virtualization, networking, storage, security, management of cloud services, efficient cloud architectures, massive multi-tenancy, and design of cloud applications and services. Cloud computing continues to be the way of the future and many studies indicate that more than 50% of all information technology will be in this new paradigm within the next five to ten years. This transformation has great implications for emerging markets which have the potential to leap frog mature markets in their adoption of cloud computing, combine cloud computing and mobile technologies to introduce unique services that can transform the lives of billions, drive a much larger scale of adoption and challenge existing price points, while presenting unique challenges in areas such as security and user interfaces to cloud computing.
This research driven innovation conference has established itself as a unique conference that combines top notch peer-reviewed research papers (acceptance rate less than 10%), invited talks from renowned industry and government leaders, posters and demos showcasing latest innovations, a startup showcase highlighting the vibrant and fast growing business ecosystem around cloud, tutorials on cutting edge topics, and a doctoral symposium featuring some of the deep research topics being pursued by academic leaders.
The conference will be a two-day event that spans invited talks, peer reviewed paper presentations, tutorials,technology showcase followed by panel discussion.
We invite both paper and demo submissions on relevant topics, including but not limited to:
Proposals Submissions Deadline
Pre Conference Workshop
Founder and CEO at nFactorial Analytical Sciences
IISc, Research Head & Director, AI & Robotics Technologies Park
Co-founder and CTO, Blue Sky Analytics
CTO Oncology Informatics & Genomics at Philips Research, New York
Global Cloud Platform GTM Lead, Accenture.
Assistant Professor & Coordinator (Students Affairs), IIIT Bangalore
08.15 am - 08.30 am IST | Virtual Networking | |
08.30 am - 08.45 am IST | Welcome, Virtual Lamp Lighting, Overview of the 10th IEEE CCEM 2021 | |
Invited Keynote Track 1: 8.45 am to 11.15 am IST | Mentoring Track 1: 08.45 am - 11. 15 am IST | |
08.45 am - 09.15 am IST | HR Analytics: A Perspective : Arun Krishnan, Founder and CEO at nFactorial Analytical Sciences |
Feedback on PCW Submissions by the Experts/
Mentors (The Authors must join 'Mentoring Track 1' and present their ideas to the Mentors and seek feedback. Upon completion of the presentation, they must return to Invited Keynote Track). |
09.15 am - 09.45 am IST | Deep Learning for Vision and Language Modeling : Dr. Viswanath Gopalakrishnan, Assistant Professor & Coordinator (Students Affairs), The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore. | |
09.45 am - 10.15 am IST | Engineering trust for confidential data sharing & analytics for future smart cities : Prof. Bharadwaj Amrutur, ECE Department, IISc, Chairman, Robert Bosch Center for Cyber Physical Systems, Division of Interdisciplinary Sciences, IISc, Research Head & Director, AI & Robotics Technologies Park. | |
10.15 am - 10.45 am IST | The Green Behind the Cloud : Swati Sharma, Global Cloud Platform GTM Lead, Accenture | |
10.45 am - 11.15 am IST | The Best Paper Submissions from IEEE CCEM 2020 (15
minutes each).
11.15 am to 11.30 am IST: Wrapping up of the Morning Session | ||
Invited Keynote Track 2: 05.30 pm to 7.00 pm IST | Mentoring Track 2: 05.30 pm to 7.00 pm IST | |
05.30 pm - 06.00 pm IST | Enterprise Cloud Transformation - The challenges and considerations that enterprise clients face on their journey to cloud : Mike Williams, IBM Fellow, IBM USA. |
Feedback on PCW Submissions by the Experts/
Mentors (The Authors must join 'Mentoring Track 2' and present their ideas to the Mentors and seek feedback. Upon completion of the presentation, they must return to Invited Keynote Track). |
06.00 pm - 06.30 pm IST | AI in Precision medicine: from cancer profiling to clinical informatics Nevenka Dimitrova, CTO Oncology Informatics & Genomics at Philips Research, New York. | |
06.30 pm - 07.00 pm IST | Cloud Computing for Climate Action : Kshitij Purwar, Co-founder and CTO, Blue Sky Analytics. | |
07.00 pm to 07.30 pm IST: Awards and Closing. |
Founder and CEO at nFactorial Analytical Sciences
Arun Krishnan is the founder and CEO of an HR Analytics startup, nFactorial Analytical Sciences, based out of Bangalore. Arun obtained his undergraduate degree from the Central Electro-Chemical Engineering Institute and a Ph.D in Chemical Engineering specializing in advanced control algorithms from the University of South Carolina, USA in 1998. After working for an year in a controls company, he left the US and joined Silicon Graphics in Singapore. He then moved into active research in high performance computing and bioinformatics with the BIoinformatics Institute in Singapore
Arun was also an adjunct assistant professor at the National University of Singapore in the Computer Engineering Department. In 2006, he moved to Japan as an Assistant Professor for Computational Biology at the Institute for Advanced Biosciences in Keio University.
In 2008, Arun returned to India to join Monsanto and set up their Computational Biology unit. He held various positions with Monsanto with his last position being the R&D IT India lead. In 2012 he joined ISB Hyderabad's PGPMAX program and completed his MBA in 2013. Arun started nFactorial Analytical Sciences in December of 2014. He has also been a visiting Faculty at IIM Ranchi where he taught a course on HR Analytics. Arun has more than 50 articles in journals, conferences and book chapters.
ECE Department, IISc, Chairman, Robert Bosch Center for Cyber Physical Systems, Division of Interdisciplinary Sciences, IISc, Research Head & Director, AI & Robotics Technologies Park
Dr. Bharadwaj Amrutur is presently Chairman, Robert Bosch Center for Cyber Physical Systems. He got his BTech in Computer Science and Engineering, from IIT Bombay in 1990, MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1994 and 1999
Amrutur’s Current research theme is Large Scale IoT Enabled Systems, Collaborative Robotics
Co-founder and CTO, Blue Sky Analytics
Kshitij Purwar is the Founder & CTO of Blue Sky Analytics. He is a college dropout with over five years of product and software development experience. A self-taught Full Stack Javascript developer, he joined Hiver, an early-stage tech startup as a core full-time 10th engineer after his freshman year.
At Blue Sky, Kshitij is leading a team of 13 developers and data scientists in building Blue Sky's 'geospatial data refinery'- that consumes and analyses terabytes of satellite data to deliver environmental insights; and "SpaceTime", a data visualisation platform to back FOSS for Climate Action.
Mike Williams is an IBM Fellow within Global Technology Services and a member of the Academy of Technology. His current responsibilities include the strategy, architecture and design of the next generation of IBM Service’s Hybrid Multicloud transformation supporting IBM’s client’s journey to cloud. Throughout his 33 years with IBM, Mike has held a number of services and software development positions leading change and innovations in the areas of networking, virtualization, systems management, software defined environments, and cloud. He holds over 20 patents in these areas. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from the State University of New York at Oswego with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.
CTO Oncology Informatics & Genomics at Philips Research, New York
Nevenka Dimitrova, Ph.D., is a science and technology leader with a track record of innovation for bringing cutting edge technology to solve real problems in clinical and life sciences domains. With her technology passion and entrepreneurial mind, she is known for contributions in healthcare informatics, genomics, AI, and signal processing. She has demonstrated leadership of cross-functional global teams to create solutions, worked with multiple stakeholders in a complex matrixed organization to improve clinical outcomes and drive impact of technology across product management, engineering and commercial engagements. Her bibliography contains over 140 scientific articles and 70 granted patents and she has been given the Gilles Holst award – the highest science and technology peer recognition prize at Philips. Nevenka is committed to bring AI and digital innovations into the world of practicing clinicians to add precision and clarity - through a new array of cloud and clinical informatics technologies, continuous learning systems and automated reasoning.
Global Cloud Platform GTM Lead, Accenture.
Swati Leads strategic client relationship management, advisory and consulting services leveraging accenture's cloud platform globally. She helps clients to use design thinking in achieving their business and sustainability goals. She is a subject matter expert in helping clients navigating through the complex cloud journey successfully.Her experience in sustainable IT brings lot of interests for clients to understand how can IT contribute to sustainability goals of any business? Swati has done Masters in Systems Design at the MIT Sloan, USA and Electrical & Electronics Engineering at CCS University, India
Assistant Professor & Coordinator (Students Affairs), International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore iiit-b)
Dr. Viswanath, after completing his his B.Tech from National Institute of Technology, Calicut, received his Ph.D. from School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2011. His Ph.D. topic was focused on building computational models for identifying salient regions in images and videos. From 2011 - 2019 he worked with Samsung Research Institute, Bangalore on various research topics of interest in the areas Computer Vision and Machine Learning. During this period he was involved in developing and leading the efforts towards machine learning based vision algorithms for Samsung's flagship models which involved Object Detection, Scene Recognition, Semantic Role Recognition and Object & Scene Segmentation. His current research areas of interest is in Dense Scene Descriptions and Few-Shot learning techniques based on meta-learning approaches.
His Research Interests are Computer Vision Problems , Machine learning, artificial intelligence.
This highly focused virtual pre-conference workshop of the 2021 IEEE CCEM is targeted at mentoring authors planning to submit in any of the following three tracks of the prestigious IEEE CCEM main conference, which is now in its tenth year.
By submitting early versions of their ideas/proposals for any of these three tracks, participants get an opportunity to present their early ideas and obtain professional feedback and mentoring individually, helping them make a successful submission to the main CCEM conference. Hence, we encourage submissions for innovative cloud-based solutions addressing emerging market problems focused on utilizing/enhancing Cloud, IoT, machine learning, analytics, and furthering progress towards the sustainable development goals of the United Nations. Certificates and cash prizes will be awarded to the most innovative proposals in each of the aforementioned three tracks.s
The workshop itself will have two concurrent sessions spanning the three tracks:
Session A: Invited talks by eminent technologists & academics from organisations such as IBM, Nutanix, AWS, Openstream, RedHat and academic institutions on the theme of the conference.
Session B: Presentations by the authors of 'Early Research Paper, Student- Project-Showcase, and TechnoBizPlan-Showcase.
The participants will have to attend Session A while awaiting their turn to present their ideas to the Professional Mentors in Session B. The proposal has to be three A4 size pages maximum, strictly adhering to the given template. Confidential aspects of any proposal are not encouraged, discussed or shared.
The Early Research Papers submissions focus on building-up researchable ideas and innovations leading to breakthrough results that have not yet been professionally published. These submissions are discussed and mentored into either short research papers focused on a solitary idea in its entirety or into a full research paper.
The Student-Project-Showcase offers an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to come up with an impactful solution to the emerging-markets' problem-statements, which are also part of their academic-degree-requirements. With further mentoring, these ideas can convert into a full research paper.
The TechnoBiz-Showcase Plan enables Students, Professionals, Start-Ups, Established companies & Academia to demonstrate cutting-edge capabilities and ideas metamorphosing in the world of product and service offerings. The select proposals would get a chance to present it to the audience during the event.
IEEE CCEM PreConference Workshop Proposals for EarlyPaper or Student Project Showcase Template : 3 Pages | IEEE CCEM PreConference Workshop Proposals for TechnoBizPlan Showcase Template : 3 Pages | TOPICS: Emerging Market Challenges utilizing Cloud/ Big data/Deep Learning/IoT including, but not limited to: |
Title (One Line only) & Author Names with, Email Ids, Mobile & Company/College Name | Title (One Line only) & Author Names with, Email Ids, Mobile & Company/College Name | Affordable Healthcare & Ayushman Bharath: Eco-systems, Devices Management, e-Health Data |
Overview: 100 words – Two Paragraphs | Executive Summary: 100 words – Two Paragraphs | Swacch Bharat: Clean & Green Environments |
Technical Innovations to be presented – 5 Bullet Points | Tech Innovations to be used in BizPlan – 5 Bullet Points | Leveraging IndiaStack & digital payment solutions |
Early Stage Ideas with Proof of Concept Framework / Demo with Diagrams: 1 Page | Offerings: Tech-Proof of Concept Framework / Demo with Diagrams: 1 Page | Smart cities - Intelligent management of Resources, Transportation, Energy & Services |
Theory Framework & Modeling & Experimentations: 250 Words | Four Paragraphs with data on: 1) Core Value Proposition 2) Market Analysis & Sizing 3) Competitive Landscape 4) Financial Projections | Affordable Security and Privacy of data in the cloud, sensor networks and IoT |
Conclusions & Validation of Claims: 60 words + References used | Conclusions & Validation of Claims: 60 words + References used | Intelligent Automation of IT Systems & Processes |
Click to Submit using EasyChair for Pre Conference Workshop
Registrations to IEEE CCEM PCW’ 21 is by submission of a proposal, for which there is no registration fee. However, participants without proposals are required to register as below:
Admission to the workshop is strictly by invitation after successful proposals submission, & review only. Only two members per team of each selected proposal are allowed to be registered for free. Others, if any, have to be paid registrants. Papers are encouraged to be submitted even otherwise to the main conference without prejudice.
Dr. Gopal Pingali is an internationally renowned technology, innovation, and transformation executive with extensive experience in driving digital transformation across multiple industries leveraging Cloud, AI, and Automation technologies. Gopal is currently CEO and Founder of cYAAG, a Cloud and AI startup whose vision is to make everyone a social entrepreneur to create a sustainable world
Gopal worked extensively in the US and India and built several global technical organizations with an entrepreneurial spirit. He was previously Global Vice President at IBM for Cloud Transformation and Global Technology Services Labs (GTS Labs). Prior to that he was a Research Leader at the IBM TJ Watson Research Center and at AT&T Bell Labs. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Michigan.
Gopal pioneered innovations in many areas including Multicloud Management, Cognitive Automation, Continuous Security, Mobile Web, Electronic Chronicles, Real-time Video Tracking Systems, Smart Interactive Spaces, Visual Information Systems for Sports, Autonomous Vehicles, and Nanotechnology. His current passion is to build the world’s leading digital platform and the most vibrant global community for sustainable development
Dr. Mohan holds a Masters and PhD in computer science from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore where he worked as a faculty-scientist for about a decade before moving into the industry. He was a young visiting scientist in the Lab for Computer Science, MIT in 1988 and a visiting scientist in NEC Research Institute, Princeton in the summer of 1994. After leaving IISc, he worked for a number of companies including HP. He pursued his entrepreneurial interests in Bangalore in advanced enterprise software systems for about 7 years before joining Infosys. After a five year stint at Infosys, Dr Mohan founded Pragyan Datalabs focused on BigData algorithms and Analytics in Bengaluru
Dharanipragada Janakiram did his Ph.D from IIT Delhi and is currently a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, India, where he heads and coordinates the research activities of the Distributed and Object Systems Lab.
Dr. Krishnan is an IBM Distinguished Engineer and CTO of IBM’s Hybrid Cloud Center of Excellence, a world-wide team of client-facing solution architects. Krishnan was appointed IBM Master Inventor in recognition of his contributions to intellectual property. He has authored a popular book on embedded Linux and several publications on cloud computing, network protocols and embedded system design
Raj Tumuluri is the principal of Openstream USA and is a coauthor of several multimodal interaction standards at the worldwide web consortium (w3c) and his articles & book chapters were published in ACM & other reputed publications. His current area of research focuses on improving user experience leveraging context in multimodal interaction using machine learning.
Dr. Sanjay Chitnis takes care of the Innovation Labs at Dayananda Sagar University where we have partnership with more than 10 industries to provide skill enhancement courses in latest technologies as well as facilities for research and startups. His areas of interest are Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He is a passionate teacher, with 31 years of all-round leadership level experience in IT industry as well as academics and research. During his career in industry, he managed projects such as Messaging Subsystem of IRIDIUM, the satellite based communication system in Motorola. Later at LG Soft India, he was responsible for the development of a new generation web Based platform for LG Smart devices. After this, he worked as Principal at the CMR Institute of technology, Bangalore.
Dr. K V Subramaniam has over 15 years of experience in both the software and semiconductor industries. Prior to joining PES University, he served as CTO of Indiverein. His areas of interest are in performance aspects of computing aspects. His experience spans various companies like Novell, Andiamo, Cisco, HP and AMD. He received his Masters and Doctoral degrees from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Rambabu Parvatina (Ram) is an IBM Distinguished Engineer - one of the highest company’s technical honors. Ram is a recognized technical leader for his deep technical expertise in cloud computing, leadership and innovation. Ram has played a lead role in solutioning and winning high-value hybrid cloud engagements that made a huge business impact. He built the Hybrid Cloud Orchestration and Automation practice in Cloud Center of Excellence, a global team that engages with hundreds of clients every year. Ram is currently the Chief Technologist for Cloud Content Factory that drives building and deploying of Cloud Automation solutions for IBM clients. He wears another hat as Cloud Solutioning leader in Service Integration Hub, IBM Singapore and is responsible for reviewing and guiding of hybrid cloud solutions in AP & MEA regions. Ram excels in creating first-of-a-kind solutions, generating reusable assets from them, and aligning them with reference architectures.
Dr. Subrahmanya Sarma (Subbu)is a Principal Consultant and (Certified Project Management Professional) with 19 years of experience in Software development. Subbu is having expertise in various domains covering Machine Learning, Identity & Access Management, Identity Federation, PKI and Cryptography. Subbu has 10 years of project and people management experience and one year of presales experience of proposing IDAM, IGA and PAM solutions to various customers across the globe.
Sridhar Chitraju is a Program Director at IBM GTS Labs. In his current role as a Hybrid Cloud CoE leader, he is leading cloud architects supporting several IBM GTS Multi-cloud and Hybrid Cloud clients across the globe (in APAC, MEA, Europe and North America) Prior to his current role, he has managed a global team of architects and developers for an IBM’s flagship cloud offering - IBM Cloud Managed Services. He has worked with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) for more than a decade, before joining IBM in 2007. At TCS, he has worked in diverse areas - Global Delivery Strategy, managing Large Client Engagements, leading Practice Areas/Competencies, Delivery Center Program Management Office, Strategic Planning for North America Sales Operations and handling of multi-million dollar full software life-cycle Application Development, Offering/Product development, Maintenance and Support projects
Sridhar obtained his master’s degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay and he also did an Executive Management Program from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore. His passions include building high performance teams and enabling cloud based innovations that help in transforming the businesses worldwide and societies we live in.
IoT Evangelist, Entrepreneur, Startup Mentor, Startup Co-Founder. A Seasoned Software Professional with deep expertise in building scalable software solutions to solve a whole gamut of business problems ranging from software solutions for IOT / low level devices to enterprise platforms. In-depth experience building product and technology consulting business across multiple geographies including India and USA
Dr. Shekar Babu is the Founding Head of AMRITA School of Business, Bangalore. He started AMRITA School of Business, Bangalore in 2007 in collaboration with SUNY, Buffalo, NY, USA. Mr. Shekar worked as Director, Hewlett-Packard Co., Palo Alto, CA, USA for 11 years and 5 years as a Management Consultant at Price Waterhouse, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Mr. Shekar Babu is also an advisor and on board for a few start-up companies in India. Mr. Shekar Babu is also the Principal Investigator (PI) in developing and implementing CSR Projects since 2006. The 5 CSR projects termed as “Village Resource Centers (VRCs)” were implemented in 5 remote locations of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, in collaboration with Microsoft, HP, CTS, CISCO and ISRO. The projects were focused on Education, Healthcare and Agriculture. The results of these projects were presented in a paper “Enabling Rural Transformation through VRCs” at the International Conference “LifeSkills 2010” which was specifically appreciated by then President of India Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and Dr. P.V. Indiresan.
Dr. Prakash Raghavendra completed his MTech(CS&E) from IIT Madras in 1994 and PhD from the Department of CSA, IISc, in the areas of Parallelizing Compilers in 1998. Dr. Prakash has worked the areas of Operating Systems for Hewlett-Packard in Bangalore from 1998 to 2007. He has worked in Adobe Systems between 2007 and 2009 in the areas of Flex IDE.
Between 2009 and June 2012, Dr. Prakash has worked as Associate Professor in the Department of Information Technology, NITK Surathkal. He guided three research students and several MTech/BTech students. He was awarded “IBM Faculty Award” and “Intel Parallelism Content Award” in 2010. Dr. Prakash is currently working as Architect in AMD, Bangalore, in the area of server applications including DNN for AMD platforms. Dr. Prakash has several Intl Conference and Journal papers and two patents to his credit.
Dr.Mydhili K Nair is currently working as a Professor in MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology. She has a mixed bag of 8 years Industrial Experience and 14 years of Academic Experience. In the IT Industry she has adorned various roles ranging from Technical Lead to Project Manager in different companies such as Wipro, Hexaware, Asset Corporate Education Partner to IBM and Mahendra Comviva. In Academia she has been working in MSRIT since 2004. Her research interest includes Distributed Computing and Data Science. She has won the prestigious IBM Faculty Award in the year 2011 for her collaborative research association with IBM. She is also in the editorial panel of referred journals & has been a member of the organizing committee, session chair for many annual symposiums, conferences, Women In Engineering (WiE) forums such as Grace Hopper Conference, IEEE ANTS WiE track etc. She is also the faculty mentor for Google Developer Student Club of MSRIT. She & her students have won many project competitions & best paper awards at State & National level, including Smart India Hackathon for two successive years (2018 and 2019). She is passionate about teaching and mentoring student projects, some of which have actual end-users. Noteworthy among them is a suite of three products that have been developed for the blind students under her mentorship, which is being successfully incorporated into the curriculum of a blind school in Yelahanka, Bangalore.
Mohan Parthasarathy is a Distinguished Technologist in the High Performance Computing and Mission Critical Servers business unit (HPC/MCS) of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). He is the system architect for the Superdome2 and Superdome X platforms, and is based in Bangalore, India. His primary focus currently is on Operating System and Platform/Firmware aspects of scale-up Integrity and x86 servers. He has over 20 years of industry experience, and has worked on multiple areas of operating systems, including networking protocol stacks, drivers, core kernel and virtualization. Mohan did his Masters in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and is a co-inventor of 5 US patents.
Rajesh is the Chief Technical Officer of NxtGen and he has 30+ years of accomplished experience in Information Technology, Infrastructure / Cloud, Application/DevOps Operations and Engineering IT Services. A diversified background in large data centers, IT Infrastructure Operations, Engineering IT, Regulatory & Compliances, Payment Systems, Applications & Release Services and is a certified ISO27K lead auditor and Project management professional
Rajesh has rich blend of knowledge of domains such as Manufacturing, FMCG, BFSI and Core IT/MSP Services and Technology industries. His career spans over three decades catering to solution engineering, customer services, SaaS / IaaS & Site Reliability services for large US multinationals, Indian offshore centers and has run 24x7 operations for high volume transaction businesses. He has played major role in IT leadership in Coca-Cola, Oracle, NetApp, Yodlee (Finapps), Altimetrik before joining NxtGen. Rajesh is well versed with technology landscape in the areas of IT infrastructure, Cloud computing, emerging technologies such as AI/BI and Data Engineering and Open source systems. on personal front he is a social activist, poet and photographer and loves long drives.
Dr. Rajath Vasudevamurthy is serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at B. M. S. College of Engineering, Basavanagudi, Bengaluru since January 2019. Previously he served at the Bengaluru campus of Amrita University. Dr. Rajath obtained his B. E. from R. V. College of Engineering, Bengaluru and did his Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru under the guidance of Prof. Bharadwaj Amrutur. He was a visiting researcher at KTH, Stockholm and a post-doctoral researcher at the Pennsylvania State University. His interests include VLSI Circuits and Systems and likes to pursue India studies in his leisure
Proven leadership credentials with 20 + years of experience, across SDLC phases. Highly experienced in instilling & sustaining a high-performance culture, across teams & individuals. First-class experience in product release aspects, agile development & large-sized team handling. Managed & delivered 40-odd releases overall
Working as the chief architect and vice-president in the Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) division of Reliance Jio Platforms Ltd. Bangalore. My previous stints are in IBM global Cloud center of Excellence (CoE), Wipro consulting services (WCS), and Robert Bosch Corporate Research (CR). In total, I have gained more than 20 years of IT industry experience and 8 years of research experience. Finished the CSIR-sponsored PhD degree at Anna University, Chennai and continued with the UGC-sponsored postdoctoral research in the Department of Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. Thereafter, I was granted a couple of international research fellowships (JSPS and JST) to work as a research scientist for 3.5 years in two leading Japanese universities. Published more than 40 research papers in peer-reviewed journals such as IEEE, ACM, Springer-Verlag, Inderscience, etc. Have authored and edited 30 books thus far and contributed 35 book chapters thus far for various technology books edited by international professors
Focusing on some of the emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Streaming Analytics, Blockchain, Digital Twins, Cloud-native computing, Edge AI, Serverless Computing, Microservices architecture (MSA), Event-driven Architecture (EDA), etc. More details can be found at Maintain an IT Information Portal at and The GitHub Page
Abhishek Kumar has a Doctorate in computer science from University of Madras and done in Computer Sci. & Engineering from Government engineering college Ajmer, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota India. He has total Academic teaching experience of more than 8 years with more than 80 publications in reputed, peer reviewed National and International Journals, books & Conferences. His research area includes- Artificial intelligence, Image processing, Computer Vision, Data Mining, Machine Learning. He has been Session chair and keynote Speaker of many International conferences, webinars in India and Abroad. He has been the reviewer for IEEE and Inderscience Journal. He has authored/Co-Authored 6 books published internationally and edited 16 books (Published & ongoing with Elsevier, Wiley, IGI GLOBAL Springer, Apple Academic Press, De-Grueter and CRC etc. He has been member of various National and International professional societies in the field of engineering & research like Senior Member of IEEE , IAENG (International Association of Engineers), Associate Member of IRED (Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors), He has got Sir CV Raman National award for 2018 in young researcher and faculty Category from IJRP Group.He is Editor of Special issue in the Journal Computer materials and continua [SCI and SCOPUS.IF- 4.98] and Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing [SCI, SCOPUS, IF-1.276] Cognitive Neurodynamics, Springer [SCI, SCOPUS, IF-3.925]
07.45 AM 08.45 AM |
Breakfast |
09.00 AM 10.30 AM |
Welcome, Inaugural Lamp Lighting, 8th IEEE CCEM Report &
Inaugural Keynote Fireside Chat on
10.30 AM 10.45 AM |
Tea |
10.45 AM 11.45 PM |
Research Paper Track Presentations – Session1: Cloud Data Centers
11.45 AM 12.15 PM |
Invited Keynote"Applying ML at scale for New User Experiences: Samsung Bixby Voice Assistant"- Dr Vikram Vij, SVP, Samsung R&D |
12.15 PM 12.30 PM |
IEEE Talk"On IEEE India Activities & the CCEM Conference"– Harish Mysore, IEEE India |
12.30 PM 01.00 PM |
Poster Paper Lightning talks - 3 Minutes pitch to the Conference Audience.
01.00 PM 02.00 PM |
Lunch (With poster presentation display visits by the Audience) |
02.00 PM 03.30 PM |
Research Paper Track Presentations - Session 2: HealthCare
03.30 PM 03.45 PM |
Tea |
03.45 PM 05.15 PM |
Two 90 Minute Lightning Tutorials in Parallel
05.15 PM 05.30 PM |
Tea |
05.30 PM 06.00 PM |
Student Project Showcase Inaugural KeynoteTopic: “Innovating in Undergrad Engineering Projects”- Prof Sajal K Das, Missouri University |
06.00 PM 06.30 PM |
Top six Student Project showcase Proof-of-Concept
presentations (3 min each) &
06.30 PM 07.30 PM |
Student Project Showcase (At respective tables) |
07.30 PM |
Dinner |
07.45 AM 08.45 AM |
Breakfast |
09.00 AM 09.30 AM |
Research Students Symposium |
09.30 AM 11.00 AM |
Research Short Paper Track Presentations - Two parallel tracks - 15 min eachTrack 1 Cloud, AI and Data Center
Track 2 Analytics, Applications and Security
11.00 AM 11:15 AM |
Tea |
11:15 AM 11:45 AM |
Invited KeynoteTopic: “Cloud at the Edge-of-Things, now what is that?”- Dr S Ramanathan, Intel |
11:45 AM PM 12:15 PM |
Invited KeynoteTopic: “Research Areas in AI & Cloud”- Dr Gargi Dasgupta, Director, IBM India Research Labs |
12:15 PM 12:45 PM |
Invited KeynoteTopic: "Jio" experience of using Kubernetes at scale- Mayank Kapoor Reliance |
12:45 PM 01:45 PM |
Lunch |
01:45 PM 03:15 PM |
Panel DiscussionTopic: “Should CS&AI be mandatory for ALL Undergraduate studies as well as in Industry Reskilling?”PanelistsDinesh SD - SamsungR&D , Raj Tumuluri - OpenStreamSreekrishnan V - IBM , Dr Sanjay Chitnis - DSU Dr KV Subramaniam - PES , Rajesh Dangi - NxtGen Dr. N Bussa - Philips Panel Moderator:Dr T S Mohan |
03:15 PM 03:30 PM |
Tea |
03:30 PM 05:00 PM |
Two 90 Minute
Lightning Tutorials in Parallel TracksTrack 1: Cloud and Crowdsourcing Based Approaches to Environmental Monitoring.- Sahithi Pingali, Stanford UniversityTrack 2: Building a Hosted AI Platform for Developer Insights,- Avishkar Gupta and Mitesh Patel, Red Hat |
05:00 PM 05:15 PM |
Tea |
05:15 PM 05:45 PM |
TechnoBizPlan Showcase Inaugural Keynote"What VCs look for in a TechnoBizPlan"- Rahul Chandra, Founder & Managing Director, Helion Ventures |
05:45 PM 06:15 PM |
Three Top TechnoBizPlan Showcase presentations to Startup-Experts (3 min each) & Prizes Announcement |
06:15 PM 07:15 PM |
TechnoBizPlan Showcases (At respective tables) |
07:15 PM 07:45 PM |
Closure Ceremonies including announcement of Best Paper award etc |
07:45 PM Onward |
Dinner |
As a Patron, you will be showing your support for advancing cloud computing technology and helping to address the unique challenges and opportunities of cloud computing in emerging markets. You have the opportunity to enjoy extraordinary visibility with our conference audience, build powerful relationships and benchmark your company strategy against key industry players within India and internationally.
Patrons will be prominently recognized both at the events (workshop and main conference) and on the CCEM website.
CCEM 2018 provides a limited number of Patronship opportunities as outlined in the table below. Interested Patrons should contact the Industry Liaisons Chair for the conference – Sri Chandra at
Patronship Type | Number of Opportunities | Number of Complimentary Full Conference registrations | Company Logo placed on conference web site with link | Prominent signage identifying company as a Patron at the appropriate level | Exhibit space | Acknowledgment of Patron at the event |
USD $10000 / INR 7,00,000
2 | 8 |
USD $7500 / INR 5,25,000
2 | 6 |
USD $5000 / INR 3,50,000
2 | 4 |
Startup Showcase Patron
USD $5000 / INR 3,50,000
1 | 4 |
Tutorial Sessions Patron
USD $2500/INR 1,75,000
1 | 2 |
Banquet Dinner Patron
USD $2500/INR 1,75,000
1 | 2 |
Professional Mentors Patron
USD $1000/INR 70,000
15 | 2 |
Student Project Competition
USD $1000/INR 70,000
1 | 1 |
Best Paper Awards Patron
USD $1000/INR 70,000
1 | 1 |
Conference Lunch Patron
USD $1000/INR 70,000
2 | 1 |